Apple has launched its much-awaited new iPad that features a new Retina display with 2048x1536-pixel resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi). The device is powered by Apple's new A5X chip with quad-core graphics. The new tablet from Apple is simply called the 'new iPad' and not the iPad 3 or iPad HD as expected.
Retina display :
The new iPad has a Retina Display with 2048-by-1536-pixel resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi). It features a 9.7-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit glossy widescreen Multi-Touch display with IPS technology.
Processor :
The new iPad has a dual-core Apple A5X chip with quad-core graphics processor.
New cameras :
It has a 5-megapixel iSight camera with a 5-element lens, IR filter, and in-plane switching built into the iPad’s new chip.
Voice Dictation :
Also has a microphone button on the virtual keyboard.
4G LTE :
It has a high-speed wireless broadband technology—which is as much as ten times faster as 3G Internet access.
AirPlay :
AirPlay lets you stream what’s on your iPad straight to your speakers and HDTV.
Battery: Built-in 42.5-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery that is claimed to offer up to 10 hours of surfing the web on Wi-Fi, watching video, or listening to music. Weight: 652g (WiFi), 662g (WiFi + 4G) Thickness: 9.4mm. Storage: 16GB, 32GB, 64GB. Models: Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi + 4G Price : The new iPad will keep the same prices as the previous model, starting at $499 for WiFi-only versions, and $629 for those with 4G capability. Prices top out at $699 for the WiFi-only 64GB model, and $829 for the 64GB model with WiFi and 4G. |
Comparison with iPad 2
Apple iPad 2 |
'New' Apple iPad |
Screen Size |
9.7 inches |
9.7 inches |
Resolution |
1024 x 768 |
2048 x 1536 |
Operating System |
iOS 5.1 |
iOS 5.1 |
Processor |
1GHz Dual-Core Apple A5 |
Apple A5X dual-core CPU, quad-core GPU |
512MB |
NA (1GB rumored) |
Data |
3G |
3G/4G LTE |
Carrier |
AT&T, Verizon |
AT&T, Verizon |
Wi-Fi |
802.11 b/g/n |
802.11 b/g/n |
Bluetooth |
2.1 + EDR |
4.0 |
Ports |
30-pin, 3.5mm headset |
30-pin, 3.5mm headset |
Front-Facing Camera |
VGA (.3 megapixels), 30 fps |
VGA (.3 megapixels), 30 fps |
Rear-Facing Camera |
HD (.7 megapixels), 30 fps |
5 megapixel iSight (1080p 30fps video) |
Internal Memory |
16GB, 32GB, 64GB |
16GB, 32GB, 64GB |
Weight |
1.3 lbs |
1.44 lbs |
Dimensions |
9.5 in (h) x 7.3 in (w) x .35 in (d) |
9.5 in (h) x 7.3 in (w) x .37 in (d) |
Price at Launch |
$499 (Wi-Fi, 16GB) to $829 (3G, 64GB) |
$499 (Wi-Fi, 16GB) to $829 (3G, 64GB |
Click here to watch Apple's new iPad launch event.